hi, i’m april.

Have you ever felt like you’re that guy with the one talent who got scared and buried what he was given? 

Have your God-given dreams become dormant or muddled with the stuff of life? 

Can we close the gaps between God’s words and our choices?

How do we move forward in faith after what we have experienced? 

Hi, my name is April J McMillan. 

After growing up in church, and working in ministry for over a decade, I know there can be many disconnects between what scriptures say and how we live. 

I know God wants more for us. 

Now, having been an executive pastor’s wife and homeschooling mother of two, I have a renewed and growing passion for pursuing the whole truth of our Creator. I want to stir up the gift of God in myself and in you, because the restoration of all things has everything to do with us living on purpose. Not a purpose born of our imagination, but of HIS. 

I believe, even as the world grows darker and the love of many grows cold, a deeper, unquenchable love is being formed in those who treasure his truth above all else—a love for the word of God, for his presence and for his glory. When we truly love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind and strength, we will love our neighbors as ourselves. 

God’s word was given to us for our good. When we follow his way, we find life— and, though we face challenges, it’s a good life! He calls us to believe, gives us incorruptible hope, and empowers us to overcome and endure, by his grace.

I’m here to explore the things that hamper our spiritual integrity as followers of Yeshua. I believe we can expect fruitful answers in our pursuit of truth. It’s time to grow brighter and bolder, together. Let’s go!